All This Weight


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Book Title All This Weight - Vsual Thinking and Making 23
Language English
Number of pages 275 pages
Dimensions 170mm X 242 mm
Country of Origin Nepal
Edition 1st
Print Run 200
Year of publication 2023
Published by

In the winter of November 2022, ten visual artists from India and Nepal gathered in the valley of Kathmandu. Over the course of the next five months, they set out to explore, learn, unlearn...

Usually, the creative process for visual artwork tends to emphasize the output. But here, the thought was, why not focus on the journey instead — the thinking and the making.

The question was: "What is weighing on your heart, the story waiting to be told?"

As winter becomes spring in the valley, the frigid weight within too thaws and retreats. New doors open as unfamiliar lanes light up.

This book is the result of this challenging navigation.

For now, though,  All This Weight — we share with you.


Additional information

Weight .5 kg
Dimensions 24.2 × 17 × 1.1 cm