Living in the Mist


Book Title Living in the Mist
Author Kishor Sharma
Language English and Nepali
Number of pages 148 pages
Number of photos 52 photos
ISBN 9789937120562
Dimensions 20 cm x 27 cm
Country of Origin Nepal
Edition 1st
Print Run 1000
Year of publication 2023
Published by
Price NPR 1800 (Nepal);  INR 2200 (South Asia);  USD 40 (Rest of the World)

About the Book
Kishor Sharma has been visiting and photographing the Raute community since 2011. The Rautes are considered to be the last nomadic people of Nepal. They do not own land and have refused to accept citizenship documents offered by the state. Living in the Mist gives us a glimpse into their lives and their resistance towards being governed by a ‘modern' world. It compels us to imagine the possibility of alternative and autonomous ways of living.

Photos, Text and Editing: Kishor Sharma
Translation: Prawin Adhikari
Copy Editing: Rajendra Maharjan (Nepali) and Sushrut Acharya (English)
Printed and bound in New Delhi, India by Naveen Printers

Additional information

Weight 0.600 kg
Dimensions 27 × 20 cm